The Present Status of Cold Fusion and its Expected Influence on Science and Technology
Innovative Energy Policies journal has released The Present Status of Cold Fusion and its Expected Influence on Science and Technology by Edmund Storms.
Innovative Energy Policies is an open-access journal “that aims to present a platform to publish almost all types of research writeups that is devoted to Energy Policies.”
The Present Status of Cold Fusion and its Expected Influence on Science and Technology [.pdf]
These issues are the focus of the paper.
Storms writes, “… the world is presented with a choice. If this energy source is ignored, the damage to the environment will grow until some country discovers how to make essentially free energy using the method, thereby giving this country great advantage.”
“Or, the world can invest in discovering how LENR works while finding ways to introduce the energy source without causing too much economic damage. This problem is not going to go away by blind rejection. Pandora’s Box has now been opened.”