Peter Gluck of Ego-out engages Edmund Storms on the NAE

Question If NAE are nanocracks – why is there a limit for their number/density? What is the limiting factor?

Answer The cracks are generated by stress generated by the change in volume when D reacts with Pd. The cracks form at weak regions in the structure. A limit to the number of weak regions exists in a structure. Once crack formation has relieved the stress, no further cracks can form. This is basic material behavior having nothing unusual about the process until the Hydroton forms. For reasons yet unknown, once the critical size crack forms, it can then support the LENR process.

Question Are those active cracks special in some way or is it only a problem of size?

Answer The gap size is the critical condition. A size too large can not support LENR.

Question If temperature is a factor, how?

Answer Temperature determines how fast D can get to the NAE by diffusion from its site in the surrounding lattice.

Question Will the processes at 70, 400, 800, 12000 C be qualitatively the same, or will be some changes in the mechanism?

Answer The mechanism is not changed by temperature. Temperature ONLY changes how fast the fuel (D or H) can get to where it can fuse.

Question How and why do the NAE resist and survive the nuclear process?

Answer The gap is filled with a chemical structure consisting of chains of D. These chains (Hydrotons) fuse by an unknown process and are destroyed. The gap remains in which more Hydroton can form. The gap can remain because the energy is released slowly without causing destruction of the local lattice structure. As I have been saying, one unique and required feature of LENR is the slow rate at which energy is released. Of course, this process is only slow when compared to the hot fusion process. Cold fusion is actually better described as slow fusion.

Question Piantelli said he had excess heat for months. The Rossi heat effect seems to be OK for 6 months. Why is the duration of the PdD excess heat a problem?

Answer Many people have seen the process last for a long time. In my case, it stops only when I cause it to stop because want to go on to other studies.

Question What do you think and which factors play a role for the claimed greater density of NAE in NiH then in PdD – metallurgy, morphology? Perhaps we have to consider that Pd D works with deuterium and NiH with protium.

Answer Ni does not take up as much hydrogen isotope as Pd, hence the stress is less compared to Pd. Also, Ni is stronger than Pd, thereby preventing the stress from producing much cracking. Rossi found a way to produce the active cracks in Ni powder where each grain could contain a number of active cracks. Arata was able to activate Pd powder with impressive power production. Clearly, powder allows more NAE to form within the same weight of material. Work in Japan is taking advantage of this conclusion using Pd.

2 thoughts on “Q&A on the NAE

  1. The importance of metallurgy is clear.
    About cracks, some people I’ve discussed with told me that twin crystal defects (FR: défauts de macles) may be the key.
    The accident observed by Didier Grass seems linked to the metallurgical structure of sputtered nickel plating on ZrO2, which they told me is rich in twin cristal defects.
    What is the damage caused by beta-alpha phase front progression ? can it be “twin crustal” ? cracks? dislocation ?

    About the way “slow fusion” happens, i observe the debate like a kid observe a QM conference, but somethings emerge from my naive vision.
    Your conclusion is that it can only happens if a quantum coherent object dissipate energy before the fusion is sanctioned, like an atom dissipate photons when in high energy state.
    I can only imagine that if there is an interaction, on long distance (the whole hydroton) that involves many nucleus.
    this probably mean that electrons are involved from the sea of electrons of the hydroton, but interacts with each of the nucleus…
    Is it deep orbit ? hydrogen is so simple that deep orbit is outer orbit too ? or are there some metalic nucleus involved too ?

    If this necessity is confirmed, it may explain why particle physicist, and even material science physicist, are amazed…
    not only is there some collective effect like superconduction, but nucleus-electron collective interaction (in a coherent system, not individual e-p e-d) of the keV range, which is seldom seen before (it often involve relativistic effects, like for gold)…

  2. Please test this idea.
    Brownian motion causes the D2 to only have intermittent contact with the palladium or nickel, before it bounces off .
    Try cooling the temperature down so that there is more contact.

    Please be aware that if the Brownian motion is stopped completely the reaction may go asymptotic.

    I observed a model of this when using a vibrating stack of screens.Turning the amplitude of the vibrations DOWN caused the sand to roll over the holes in the screen and dramatically increase its efficiency.
    Increasing the amplitude caused the sand particles to remain suspended above the screen.

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